
☃ Friday ☃

♥ 16 09 2011 
♥ 13 09 

We go to 1Utama watch drama ,
Because my brother birthday :) .

We late ,
14 50 start the drama already ,
I dislike ,
Cause' I'm KPOP fans !
My bother like MAYDAY ,
But he say MAYDAY not his idol ,

Actually ,
I want <大武生> ,
Cause' have Hankyung♥ !!
Hankyung ,
I tell you ,
Faster come bank Super Junior♥ !!

♥ 16 09 2011 
♥ 19 45 

Oh My God !
Time is gonna 20 00 !
I have meeting of Ijok ! 
Go to 俐珠 Auntie's house ,
First thing ; go to toilet ==.

I & Mr. Nama one group ,
Joanne & Jia Xin , Li ju one group ,
Another I don't know lar ==.

♥ 17 09 2011 
♥ 19 30 

Today ,
Have meeting of Children in Ijok ,
I want go ,
Want see someone ,
But my SUCK brother don't let go me ,
Why ?
Car not enough to me ?
Okay !
Next time I don't want go !
Don't ask me go !
Suck You !

Do yoga just now ,
I want lose my weight :( ,
I 46 kg ! 
Fat ><

Yoga , rope jumping ,
Cause' Joanne say she want taller than me ,
Oh my god !
Fast ! ><
I want tall ! 

♥ 20 58 End. ♥ :)


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